Topic icon key | ||
eq | Equation | Each item in the topic is in the form of an equation |
id | Identify | Each item in the topic is a thing |
mi | Missing item | Each item in the topic is a statement with a missing term |
10 | Number of items | There are 10 items in this topic |
8 | Extended items | Additional questions for games and tests in this topic |
Our math topics for 6th grade learners are designed to follow closely the Common Core standards for math for 6th grade pupils.
The math curriculum for number for students aged 11 to 12 focuses on further developing their understanding and skills in working with numbers, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers. Here are some key aspects of the math curriculum for Number for students aged 11 to 12:
Place Value and Number Sense: Students deepen their understanding of place value and extend their knowledge of number systems. They work with larger numbers, including millions and billions, and develop their ability to read, write, compare, and order such numbers. They explore the magnitude of numbers and develop number sense.
Operations with Whole Numbers: Students expand their skills in performing operations with whole numbers. They practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of multi-digit numbers, including long division with remainders. They solve real-world problems involving whole numbers and develop mental calculation strategies.
Fractions: Students continue to develop their understanding of fractions. They explore equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, and comparing and ordering fractions. They learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, including fractions with different denominators. They solve problems involving fractions in various contexts.
Decimals: Students work extensively with decimals. They learn to read, write, compare, and order decimals. They explore decimal place value, including tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. They perform operations with decimals, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They apply decimals to solve real-life problems.
Percentages: Students explore percentages and their relationship to fractions and decimals. They learn to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages. They solve problems involving percentages, such as calculating discounts, sales tax, and simple interest. They develop their understanding of percent increase and decrease.
Rational Numbers: Students extend their knowledge to include rational numbers, which encompass fractions, decimals, and integers. They explore the relationships between these number types and perform operations with rational numbers. They develop a conceptual understanding of negative numbers and work with negative integers.
Number Patterns and Sequences: Students explore number patterns and sequences. They identify and continue numerical patterns, including arithmetic and geometric sequences. They develop strategies for finding the next term in a sequence and explore patterns in tables, graphs, and algebraic expressions.
Problem-Solving Strategies: Students develop problem-solving skills by applying their number knowledge to solve real-world and mathematical problems. They learn various problem-solving strategies, including working backward, making a table, and using logical reasoning. They communicate their reasoning and solutions effectively.
Estimation and Approximation: Students refine their skills in estimation and approximation. They learn to use rounding and mental calculation strategies to estimate results. They apply estimation to check the reasonableness of answers and solve problems in a variety of contexts.
Mathematical Reasoning and Justification: Students develop their ability to reason mathematically and justify their thinking. They explain their strategies, generalize patterns, and prove simple mathematical statements. They engage in critical thinking and logical reasoning to solve problems and analyze number relationships.
Throughout the curriculum, students engage in hands-on activities, mathematical investigations, and problem-solving tasks to reinforce their understanding of numbers. They develop their skills in computation, estimation, logical reasoning, and mathematical communication.
A topic is selected at the beginning of a session at Free Math Games and will be remembered when you move between games or activities. The math for the topic is carefully constructed to match the level of difficulty taught in US schools. This means that you as a secondary pupil should see similar math problems to those you are seeing at school (if you are at school) for any particular subject. Please let us know if that is not the case.
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UXO * Duck shoot * The frog flies * Pong * Cat and mouse * The beetle and the bee
Rock fall * Four in a row * Sow grow * Choose or lose * Mix and match
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For example, if you choose 7th grade, then the category: "Algebra" and the sub-category "Sequences" you will be offered a choice of sub-sub-categories and topics suitable for your school grade - in the case of this example, "Generating terms" and "nth term expressions". Click on each sub-sub-category to view the available topics.
When you click on the name of a topic, the topic will load into the lesson page (once a topic has loaded it will be available for all activities and will not have to be downloaded again) and the lesson start page will be displayed. You can choose to do the lesson or jump immediately to the games using that topic.
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