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Start by choosing from our 1440+ elementary topics.
2. Lessons
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Learn your topic with our free and easy to use elementary lessons.
3. Games
Choose an elementary game
Choose from 11 free math games to play and learn with any topic.
The elementary section of Free Math Games is full of fun activities for learning and practicing elementary math. It has a full set of simple lessons, fun games and quick tests for elementary learners to use with over 1440 topics! Select the Start button in the top navigation bar to choose your first topic to learn or play.
Use our 11 free games to learn or revise your elementary math topics and have fun at the same time... The games range from familiar old formats like "4 in a row" to new interactive titles like "Duck shoot", "The frog flies" and "The beetle and the bee".
You can play the 11 practice games with any elementary topic at Free Math Games. The games will help elementary learners studying elementary math by reinforcing the math they have learned in the lesson section. Free Math Games is designed to make learning elementary math both fun and truly productive!
In addition to the games, there are both lessons and tests for every one of the 1440+ elementary topics here at Free Math Games. The lessons include an introduction to the topic plus an "Either / Or" activity and a multiple choice activity which you the elementary learner should work through before attempting the games.
When you are comfortable with the topic you might like to attempt the two simple elementary tests available with Free Math Games. The writing test is a chance to type in your answers to the questions and has quite a funny help system which may or may not be that helpful...
Each of our elementary math topics is between 4 and 20 items - either equations, words, or series - as questions and answers. If you choose to have the robot voice on, the questions and answers are spoken by your friendly local android. If you didn't catch the question, click on the question box to hear the question again (and get an enhanced view of the question). Most answers also have a speaker next to them which will speak the answer if you click/tap it.
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